Node.js Live

Node.js Foundation 在全球各地聚集 Node.js 开发者,举办了一系列的会议。

每个会议都各具特色。会议时长,合作伙伴都取决于当地的 Node.js 社区或开发者,可以说是为当地社区量身定制的。


  • April 14, 2016
  • Location IBM Client Center Paris
  • Address 17 avenue de l'Europe, 92270 Bois-Colombes, France.

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Hosted by

Event recording sponsored by

NodeTogether by

April 13, 2016, 11:00-18:00

NodeTogether is an educational initiative to improve the diversity of the Node community by bringing people of underrepresented groups together to learn Node.js.

To learn more, and/or if you are interested in applying as a student, mentor, or sponsor, please visit

NodeTogether Paris will take place at Fablab the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie located at 30 Corentin-Cariou Ave.

Access to Fablab is located on level -1. At the entrance of the digital crossroads follow the signs or ask a moderator for “Node Together”.


Time Speaker Topic
13:00 Arrivals, with coffee!
14:30 Welcome
14:35 Andy Watson Lightning talk intro
14:40 Ashley Williams Welcome / You Don't Know NPM
15:10 Thomas Watson Instrumenting Node.js in Production
15:40 30 Minute Break
16:10 Gareth Ellis Node.js Community Benchmarking Efforts
16:40 Igor Soarez Anti-patterns in Node.js
17:10 Mikeal Rogers Node.JS Everywhere
17:30 Reception
19:30 Event Concludes


Ashley Williams

Ashley, npm's Developer Community and Content Manager, gives a quick tour of npm’s greatest features, old and new, and demonstrates how they can be integrated into your workflow to make you better, happier, and more productive. Ashley will outline the most commonly used npm tools for starting a project, managing a project through development, test, and deployment, and managing teams and organization project work. She’ll focus in particular on workflows that will help frontend developers, npm’s biggest and fastest-growing group of users.

Thomas Watson

Thomas is a member of the Node.js Tracing Working Group and a full time open source developer at Opbeat. He enjoys working on mad science projects with Node.js and for some odd reason gets a kick out of implementing network protocols in JavaScript.

This talk covers different approaches of instrumenting a Node.js application. If applied correctly, instrumentation will allow you to discover bottlenecks or track and log application usage - even in production, without sacrificing performance. Part one will cover the current state of tracing and instrumentation. In part two we’ll take a look at the next-gen core tracing API's being developed under the Node.js Tracing Working Group.

Gareth Ellis

Gareth has been working in the area of Runtime Performance Analysis at IBM since 2012. Originally concentrating on Java, he has now moved to concentrating more on Node.js. He is also a regular attendee to the benchmarking workgroup, and has contributed to the benchmarks being run on a nightly basis.

Benchmarks and the information they provide are important to ensure that changes going into Node.js don't regress key attributes like startup speed, memory footprint and throughput. This talk will cover an introduction to benchmarking & key challenges, approaches to benchmarking Node.js & identifying regressions, the Node.js benchmarking workgroup's current benchmarks and use case scenarios, and how to get involved.

Igor Soarez

Igor Soarez is a Principal Engineer at YLD. He works as a consultant for organisations managing big deployments, validating and advising on architectural choices and delivery process. Over the past two years, Igor has led teams working on Node-related high-visibility projects for big enterprises. He has also designed and ran Node.js training courses for both private clients and public conferences.

As Node continues to go from strength to strength, being widely adopted not only within the startup community but more and more by the Enterprise community, a number of anti-patterns are beginning to emerge. This talk focuses on the strengths of JavaScript in the Enterprise by trying to isolate the anti-patterns that are slowly beginning to emerge.

Mikeal Rogers

Mikeal is the Community Manager of the Node.js Foundation and the creator of request and NodeConf.

Mikeal will be sharing what the Node Foundation has been up to recently and its plans for the rest of 2016.

Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, staff and sponsors are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.