Node.js Live

Node.js Foundation 在全球各地聚集 Node.js 开发者,举办了一系列的会议。

每个会议都各具特色。会议时长,合作伙伴都取决于当地的 Node.js 社区或开发者,可以说是为当地社区量身定制的。

Washington, D.C.

October 26, 2016

  • Location Social Tables
  • Address 1325 G St. NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20005

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NodeTogether by

NodeTogether is an educational initiative to improve the diversity of the Node community by bringing people of underrepresented groups together to learn Node.js.

To learn more, and/or if you are interested in applying as a student, mentor, or sponsor, please visit


Time Speaker Topic
6:00pm Reception
6:30pm IBM welcome
6:35pm Social Tables lightning talk
6:40pm Progress lightning talk
6:45pm Mikeal Rogers Node.js Everywhere
7:00pm Richard Littauer Standardizing READMEs for Great Good
7:20pm Sara Robinson Big Data and Machine Learning Magic with Node.js and Google Cloud
7:40pm stretch and bio break!
7:50pm Portia Burton Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Node.js
8:10pm Myles Borins The CIGTM Diaries
8:30pm Dan Shaw The Node.js Ecosystem in Perspective
9:00pm ↓ ↓ ↓ Happy Hour! ↓ ↓ ↓

Visit with speakers and new friends at our happy hour hosted by
across the street at Laughing Man Tavern directly after our closing.


Mikeal Rogers

Mikeal is the Community Manager of the Node.js Foundation and the creator of request and NodeConf.

His talk will be all about what the Foundation has been up to recently and its plans for the rest of 2016.

Richard Littauer

Richard Littauer is a member of Protocol Labs, busy building a better, decentralized, and permanent internet. He is dedicated to community infrastructure, and has run several NodeSchools in the developing and development world, spoken at meetups from New York to Svalbard, and spends a lot of this time making sure that docs are maintained and relevant. He likes books a lot, too.

Sara Robinson

Sara is a Developer Advocate on Google's Cloud Platform team, where she helps with developer relations through online content, outreach and events. She has a bachelor’s degree in Business and International Studies from Brandeis University. When she's not programming, she can be found running, listening to country music, or finding the best ice cream in New York.

Want to take advantage of machine learning without building and training your own models? The Google Cloud machine learning APIs expose the functionality behind Google Photos, Google Images, and the speech recognition in “Ok, Google” through a simple REST API call. In this talk, I’ll provide an overview of these APIs, show you how to use them with Node, and risk it all with a live demo. I'll also provide a peek into the Node.js community by querying terabytes of data.

Alex Grigoryan

Alex Grigoryan leads the Application Platform team at @WalmartLabs' Customer Experience, responsible for the technical innovation strategy and the framework powering the web and mobile experiences across and it’s subsidiaries. Building platforms at scale, he focuses on reusability, performance and security while leveraging the latest technologies. Prior to @WalmartLabs, Alex headed the team in charge of building the new generation checkout experience at PayPal.

Portia Burton

Portia Burton is a Django full stack developer during the day, and a Solidity and Node enthusiast by night. When she is not in front of her computer, she enjoys running and cycling the mean streets of Washington DC.

Myles Borins

Myles is a developer, musician, artist, and inventor. He works for IBM spending most of his time contributing to the node.js ecosystem. He graduated with a Master of Music Science and Technology from c.c.r.m.a. a.k.a the center for computer research in music and acoustics

Dan Shaw

Dan Shaw (dshaw) is Co-Founder and CTO of NodeSource, the Enterprise Node Company, and is dedicated to helping improve and grow the Node Community. He is a veteran of numerous Node.js startups including Voxer, Spreecast and Storify. Dan has extensive experience building large-scale, realtime systems with Node.js and has been building production services using Node since v0.2. Dan is a frequent speaker, host of the NodeUp podcast and organizer of events like EnterpriseJS and the SFNode meetup. Prior to Node, Dan worked in large-scale government contracts for Defense, Health Care and Education.

Node.js was created 7 years ago by Ryan Dahl to increase the performance of web application development. Many novel choices were made along the way. Node.js ships with "batteries included". Node.js was built with a very liberal license. Node.js has no standard library and encourages userland experimentation. Node.js chose to standardize on a single package management solution with npm. Node.js is fully cross-platform. Node.js applications run everywhere (take that Java!). All of this comes together to create an extraordinary ecosystem.

Dan Shaw will explore the implications of these decisions and how they have impacted the Node.js Ecosystem. 7 years on, Node.js is everywhere with a massive user base and the largest package registry ever. And yet, there's still so much to do.

Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, staff and sponsors are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.