Node.js Live

The Node.js Foundation is kicking off a series of global events bringing together local Node.js developers around the world.

Each event is different and tailored to the local community, varying in length and in some cases in partnership with local Node.js groups and users.


August 24, 2016

  • Location District Hall
  • Address 75 Northern Avenue Boston, MA 02210

Register Now!


NodeTogether by

NodeTogether is an educational initiative to improve the diversity of the Node community by bringing people of underrepresented groups together to learn Node.js.

To learn more, and/or if you are interested in applying as a student, mentor, or sponsor, please visit


Let us know if you're interested in speaking :)

Time Speaker Topic
5pm Reception
5:45pm IBM welcome
5:50pm Mikeal Rogers Node.js Everywhere
6:10pm Ashley Williams Welcome / You Don't Know NPM
6:30pm Francis Gulotta Providing a good Developer Experience for JavaScript Hardware
7:00pm Sara Robinson Big Data and Machine Learning Magic with Node.js and Google Cloud
7:20pm Michael Dawson Micro-Apps With Node.js, Browsers, Phones (cordova), and Electron
7:40pm Dan Shaw The Node.js Ecosystem in Perspective

Let us know if you're interested in speaking :)


Mikeal Rogers

Mikeal is the Community Manager of the Node.js Foundation and the creator of request and NodeConf.

His talk will be all about what the Foundation has been up to recently and its plans for the rest of 2016.

Ashley Williams

Ashley, npm's Developer Community and Content Manager, gives a quick tour of npm’s greatest features, old and new, and demonstrates how they can be integrated into your workflow to make you better, happier, and more productive. Ashley will outline the most commonly used npm tools for starting a project, managing a project through development, test, and deployment, and managing teams and organization project work. She’ll focus in particular on workflows that will help frontend developers, npm’s biggest and fastest-growing group of users.

Francis Gulotta

Francis is Bocoup's Director of Web connected devices. His team of experts specialize in advising IoT and Electronics companies, building tools, and solving problems quickly using open source software.

He brings the joy he takes from his work into bringing the advances we've had in the software world to the hardware world. Enabling ease of use for prototyping and education, rapid development cycles for bringing products to market, and security and stability because good products last a long time.

Sara Robinson

Sara is a Developer Advocate on Google's Cloud Platform team, where she helps with developer relations through online content, outreach and events. She has a bachelor’s degree in Business and International Studies from Brandeis University. When she's not programming, she can be found running, listening to country music, or finding the best ice cream in New York.

Big Data and Machine Learning Magic with Node.js and Google Cloud Want to take advantage of machine learning without building and training your own models? The Google Cloud machine learning APIs expose the functionality behind Google Photos, Google Images, and the speech recognition in “Ok, Google” through a simple REST API call. In this talk, I’ll provide an overview of these APIs, show you how to use them with Node, and risk it all with a live demo. I'll also provide a peek into the Node.js community by querying terabytes of data.

Michael Dawson

Michael Dawson is an active contributor to Node.js and CTC member and has contributed many of the changes to enable support for Linux on Power, LinuxOne and AIX. He leads the Node.js team within IBM’s runtime technologies group, driving IBM’s Node.js runtime deliveries and the team’s contributions to Node.js and v8 within the Node and google communities. In his spare time he uses Node.js to automate his home and life for fun.

Micro-applications written in Node.js are ideal when you want a small amount of logic, need to interact with IoT sensors or other devices and want a limited UI. Learn how to use Node.js to build these small applications that can be accessed remotely but at the same time can appear as desktop applications using electron ( and native mobile applicationss using cordova (

Dan Shaw

Dan Shaw (dshaw) is Co-Founder and CTO of NodeSource, the Enterprise Node Company, and is dedicated to helping improve and grow the Node Community. He is a veteran of numerous Node.js startups including Voxer, Spreecast and Storify. Dan has extensive experience building large-scale, realtime systems with Node.js and has been building production services using Node since v0.2. Dan is a frequent speaker, host of the NodeUp podcast and organizer of events like EnterpriseJS and the SFNode meetup. Prior to Node, Dan worked in large-scale government contracts for Defense, Health Care and Education.

Node.js was created 7 years ago by Ryan Dahl to increase the performance of web application development. Many novel choices were made along the way. Node.js ships with "batteries included". Node.js was built with a very liberal license. Node.js has no standard library and encourages userland experimentation. Node.js chose to standardize on a single package management solution with npm. Node.js is fully cross-platform. Node.js applications run everywhere (take that Java!). All of this comes together to create an extraordinary ecosystem.

Dan Shaw will explore the implications of these decisions and how they have impacted the Node.js Ecosystem. 7 years on, Node.js is everywhere with a massive user base and the largest package registry ever. And yet, there's still so much to do.

Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, staff and sponsors are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.